Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP)
CEW capable to offer full package of ESP, equipment and services, ESP systems are a form of artificial lift developed to help maximize the wells production when the down-hole pressure becomes below the level required to bring fluids to the surface.
Since ESP’s rely on pressure differentials for fluids to enter the pump, ESP’s cannot pump if intake pressure is zero, ESP considered as effective way of lifting wells fluids, ESP can work in great depths under a variety of wells conditions. The ESP system is comprised of an electric motor, seal section, intake device, multistage centrifugal pump, electric power cable, motor controller and transformers. ESP is a very versatile artificial lift method, it can handle a very wide range of flow rates from 100 to 120,000 bpd.

Flow Jet Pump (FJP) & Memory Production Logging Tools Services (MPLT)
Flow Jet pump is designed to lim the well during MPLT logging. Flow Jet pump is Jet pump-based equipment with different changeable insets for different types of operations such as production, well clean up, MPLT, acid stimulation, DST.
FJP is functioning as an artificial lim system during MPLT making well producing. Flow Jet pump technology is based on Venture effect. A built in Venture tube helps to create adjustable drawdown to the reservoir and make well producing as long as required during production logging.
Unconventional Perforation Services.
Gun less unconventional method to perform perforation and creation of channels between reservoir and wellbore, with using the power of speedy jet fluid to create the perf’s.
Perforator is fixed to the tubing along with crossover for correlation purpose and run to the planned perforation interval, Positioning of perforator performed by GR, CCL methods to the planned perforation interval.
Useful with, new wells, Wells with thin saturated zone and close OWC, After remedial cement job in order to prevent cement bond damage and following water, Perforation channels diameter 20mm, the tool orientation of 4 perforator’s jets is 90°, Highly permeable channels (up to 2m to the reservoir).

Early Production Facilities (EPF)
Some application of an EPF are needed when a new field is at exploration stage and ready for prolong production test. Fields those have small and unconventional reserve those require less capital expenditures need to consider bringing production handling services as EPF to eliminate risks associated with reserves overestimation. This will also applies for brown field with high water cut.
EPF has advantages due to much less investment in projects compared to conventional surface infrastructure, eliminate risk of reserve overestimation, agile design on the basis of unified process modules, fast installation and pre-commissioning, high adaptability of the packages if facing uncertain geological field conditions and possibility to reuse them at different wells and fields.
Reservoir Study or Full Field Review (FFR)
Either preparation of plan of development or identification possibilities of new depletion strategy, a thorough reservoir study is mandatory at those stages.
A full field review (FFR) could comprises from Seismic interpretation, Subsurface engineering, Integrated modeling, Interpretation of well testing data, Surface facilities design and up to Platform topsides design. It would apply for study on secondary recovery and EOR implementation (pilot & full scale) with various possible methods: polymer flooding, surfactant injection, CO2 injection and others.

Speciality Chemicals
we provide production handling and treatment chemicals. The chemicals are tailored to match and compatible with our client requirement. The product range varies from scale inhibitors, emulsifier, corrosion inhibitor, well stimulation chemicals, bactericides, gas scavenger, etc. In drilling side, we provide mud additives.